How To Lose Weight After 45 Years

How To Lose Weight After 45 Years

After the age of 45, the metabolism slows, the body changes, and losing weight becomes increasingly difficult. So, let’s talk about how to lose weight after 45 years.

Even if you have always had a normal weight, after 45 years you can gain a few pounds. The emergence of excess weight after 45 years could be associated with various hormones and with a slowing metabolism. Due to hormonal changes at this age, fat tissue begins to accumulate, whereas muscle mass decreases due to a lack of physical activity.

How To Lose Weight After 45 Years

How To Lose Weight After 45 Years

If you are 45 years old and you have excess weight, you should lose weight because it depends on your health and longevity.

Lose Weight After 45 Years will help you with the following nutrition rules: From the variety of products, you can easily choose the necessary:

  • It is important after 45 years to lose weight slowly to avoid stress on the body and sagging skin.
  • If you want a snack, it’s better to eat a small portion of fresh vegetables.
  • Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep also leads to weight loss. Sleep should be at least 8 hours.
  • It is best to limit your intake of starchy foods and sweets. But if you absolutely cannot live without your favorite foods, eat them in the morning until 12 o’clock.
  • Eat more vegetables, raw and boiled. Salads should be refilled with sunflower oil instead of mayonnaise. Also, limit salt to a minimum. Apples and green beans are very useful for you at this age.
  • Eliminate from your diet high-calorie drinks – alcoholic drinks, sugary carbonated water. They can be replaced by water, hot tea, or iced tea.
  • You need physical exercise and skin care.

Therefore, in order to stay slim, and even more, lose weight after 45 years, you need to know when to stop and make a lot of concessions to your body.

Also Read: How to eat right to get fit in 2022

The Best Foods for Weight Loss

Many people try to lose weight with tea, coffee and other beverages containing caffeine. There is an opinion that they accelerate the processes of digestion, which leads to burning more calories.

Green Tea

Green tea promotes weight loss. It is composed of substances that promote active fat burning. Asian nutritionists advise drinking 2–4 cups of green tea a day. It will have the greatest effect on fat burning. It is considered that by drinking 4 cups of green tea a day, you lose 60–70 calories.


Fatty fish supply in the body essential fatty acids Omega-3 and iodine, which take care of the heart, fish products helps burn body fat. In the process of weight loss method of cooking fish and other foods is important.


The egg is the best source of protein in the world. In addition, the egg consists of a protein is only half, second half is rich in vitamins A, D and E. Also, the egg contains cholesterol, which helps in increasing the level of the hormone testosterone.

Grapefruit or grapefruit juice

Grapefruit helps weight loss and serves as a means of preventing diabetes. Grapefruit has a positive effect on the digestive process, as it contains a large amount of organic acids and volatile oils that stimulate metabolism, improve digestion, increase the production of digestive juices.

Due to the very low-calorie, grapefruit are included in the diet desserts and fasting days for weight loss. And the nutrient in the fruit helps to avoid dizziness, drowsiness and lethargy in the process of losing weight.


Like most fruits, apples contain vitamins (C, E, carotene, B1, B2, B6, PP) and minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium). They protect us from colds and atherosclerosis, strengthens blood vessels, improve eyesight, stabilize the work of the central and peripheral nervous system, beneficial effects on heart and kidney.


Pears contain sugars, acids, pectin, fiber, vitamin C, a large amount of manganese and zinc.


Regular consumption of yogurt improves immunity, helps the synthesis of vitamin B, supports the allowable level of cholesterol in the blood, and eliminates toxins. It is best suited for effective slimming of plain yogurt, cooked in the home.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese contributes to the formation of hemoglobin in the blood and normalization of the nervous system. Therefore, cottage cheese is recommended for the prevention of metabolic disorders. The useful properties of cottage cheese are required to maintain proper metabolism and prevent obesity.

Olive oil

It not only helps get rid of excess body weight and body fat on the hips, but also reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer.

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